Sungguh fascinating and interesting citer keris Taming Sari ini..Quote from HRH Raja Zarith Sofia in her article (New Straits Time) :
"Despite the loss of the mahkota, the rest of the Malacca royal regalia was still in Sultan Muzaffar Shah's possession. This included the Taming Sari kris, which apparently belonged to Hang Tuah, the famed Malacca a warrior. The Taming Sari is tucked into the bengkong (waist sash) of each Sultan of Perak on the day that he is installed as ruler of the state.
For many centuries now, it has been in the safekeeping of successive Sultans. I remember the times my father allowed me to hold the Taming Sari in my hands. On its golden hilt were rubies of a pale pink colour, like faded flowers. A green enamel was painted onto the gold base of the kris. The blade was darkly stained, a mixture of shades of brown, grey and deep red. Were the deep, dark reds on the tip of the blade merely rust or are they the stains of the blood of those who were slain by it? History supports the claim of the Perak royal family as direct descendants of the Malacca Sultanate: "Perak's prestige rose considerably when a new dynasty was established by Sultan Muzaffar Shah, a son of Sultan Mahmud Shah, the last ruler of Melaka... "
Senjata itu dikatakan mempunyai kuasa sakti iaitu pemiliknya tidak lut dimakan senjata lawan dan berupaya berlegar di udara ketika mengejar musuh. Selain itu, ia juga dipercayai mempunyai kuasa untuk memberi petunjuk jika Perak bakal